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Recent Study- Cardiometabolic Disease Rates 1999-2018

A recent article looked at the trend of cardiometabolic disease rates from 1999 to 2018. What they found was that only 6.8 percent of U.S. adults have optimal cardiometabolic health.

Cardiometabolic diseases include: high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol levels, high adiposity (overweight or obesity), and cardiovascular disease (stroke or heart attack).

Some of the shocking trends that they found were:

Less than 4 out of 10 adults do not have diabetes or prediabetes. AKA 60% of adults DO have diabetes or prediabetes
Rates of Adiposity (overweight and obesity) increased 14.2% from 1999 to 2018
Social Determinants to health have increased (food and nutrition security, social and community context, economic stability, structural racism)

These trends did not include our time through the covid-19 pandemic which has negatively impacted health outcomes and increased cardiometabolic disease rates even more.

One of the researchers on this study stated:

“We don’t just want to be free of disease. We want to achieve optimal health and well-being.”

These trends are showing that we are in need of a great shift in healthcare to address these raising disease rates.


Written By: Meghan Hawley, Ellen Byron and Associates


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