Butter Coffee for Breakfast
All information in this post is from Nutrition Action Health letter
Butter coffee or bulletproof coffee has become increasingly popular recently. Is this just a fad or is it here to stay? Butter coffee is meant to replace breakfast and promises that it has a massive impact on your energy and cognitive function. Butter coffee is made with 8-12 ounces black coffee with two tablespoons of unsalted butter and two tablespoons of medium-chain triglyceride oil. This means you get no protein, fiber, healthy fat, carbs, fruits, or vegetables to start your day off right. Instead, you are consuming a 500 calorie latte and a whole lot of saturated fat. The claim is the ketones which the liver makes when it breaks down the medium- chain triglycerides which is what keeps you focused. When the brain is low on glucose or blood sugar, the brain can use ketones as an alternative fuel source. Medium-chain triglyceride oil is supposed to reverse the decline of attention and memory. No studies have ever looked at if brains are sharper when they burn ketones instead of glucose. There is no evidence in more cognitive brain function or energy levels for you to change your breakfast to butter coffee.