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Fast Food Hacks for Busy People (adapted from the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics)

We're all busy, so sometime the advice of always packing your own lunch at home and always bringing food to eat instead of eating out can be a challenge. What if you were running late, and didn't have time to pack your food? Does this mean you should just go hungry for the day?

While many say to avoid fast food completely, there are hacks to satisfy your hunger while not loading up on salt, sugar, and excess calories.

1. Think before you drink

When you're running on empty, it can be tempting to get a large soda or sugary coffee drink to get you through the rest of your day. But, these drinks contain loads of extra sugar, and are simply not worth it in the long run. Instead, when pulling through the drive thru, try opting for coffee without the sweeteners. It may take some getting used to if your regular coffee is sweet, but trust me when I say making the switch isn't as hard as you would think. Or, if its not coffee you're looking for, try an unsweetened hot or iced tea. Many restaurants will offer tea with fruit, which is a great alternative to soda. Some fast food joints will offer low fat milk or water bottles as options with meals, and these are also great choices.

2. Look at your alternatives

When you're starving, and you can smell the burgers and fries wafting out of the restaurant as you drive by, it can be very hard to resist. But, when your order, avoid anything fried or smothered in cheese. This is what the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics recommends, as well as avoiding foods smothered in sauces. Frying, cheese, and sauce (while delicious) can add tons of calories to your meal. Instead, there are equally as delicious, and much more nutritious, options.

Here's what the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics recommends:

-Salad with grilled chicken

-Grilled chicken wrap or fresh turkey wrap

-Plain, kid-sized hamburger

-Low-fat yogurt

-Apple slices

-Bean burritos or tacos


-Large fruit cups

-Small roast beef sandwich

-Fat-free or low-fat milk

These choices will fill you up until you can get home and make yourself a more nutritious meal and stick to your healthy eating plan.

3. Portion control!

Restaurants will try and upsell their meals; don't let them! If you want to indulge in some fries or a shake, go for the smallest size. This will satisfy your craving without binging on loads of empty calories. And if you're craving a burger, get a kids meal. The sizes are much smaller, and you can still indulge in a fast food burger. Kids meals also have options of low fat milk and apple slices, which are great alternatives to soda and fries that are offered with the adult meals!

At the end of the day, we're all human (yes, even us nutrition people!) and we all find ourselves in situations where we're hungry but didn't pack a snack or won't be home for hours. Its not the end of the world if you have to stop at a fast food restaurant to satisfy your hunger.

But, if you can avoid it by packing your own food, that is the best choice.

Keep snacks in your car, like dried fruit, nuts, or healthy granola bars so if you find yourself in a pinch, you'll have some nutrient dense food to snack on.

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